New beginnings…

New beginnings…

I am very blessed in many ways, It doesn’t mean I haven’t fast a lot of hardship in life. The last years have been a new journey towards myself and what I want my life to be filled with. I have questioned a lot of things and reflected on how to move forward in life....

Building Sirsasana Step Two

If you haven’t already seen my previous posts about Sirsasana I recommend you to have a look so you more easily understand this preparation. We have already talked about risks and what tends to go wrong and also how to build up for Sirsasana/Headstand. As I mention in...

Building for Sirsasana part one

In my previous post, I talked about risks and what tends to wrong working and two preparation poses for Headstand. Today we are working with some of the actions that are needed in safely practicing Sirsasana. The highest risk of a Headstand is the neck and what often...
Building for Sirsasana

Building for Sirsasana

How can we practice high-risk poses safely? Today we are going to start looking at Headstand. As you know from before we will look at risks, what tends to go wrong, and component parts. Risk factors: Neck, shoulders, elbows, lower back, hamstrings Here are a few...
I fell in love…

I fell in love…

… It all started many years ago when one of my sons introduced me to you. After that, you played a big part in healing us as a family when we were recovering from trauma. I have regained joy, a positive view of my life, and what I want my life to be filled with to...